Big Ideas, Little Time

Yesterday, I had the most amazing idea!

Truly. It was a killer plot twist for my WIP and I could see instantly how perfect it was. How right. How clever. How utterly badass and organically woven into the very fabric of the story—as if it had existed all along and was just waiting for me to discover it.

Ideas this big, they don’t come along every day. In my case, they’re rare.

Actually, never.

Yep. In truth, I never had a clever idea, up until yesterday. I couldn’t wait to write it down.

But then, the meeting. After that, my boss. The QA server meltdown. Lunch at my desk. The four-dozen calls to coworkers for status. The code that wouldn’t compile and the bug on the test server. And suddenly it was 4:30 and time to hurry home and walk the dog and fix the dinner and fold the laundry and do the dishes and sign the permission slip and email the teacher and run the daughter’s bath.

And of course I always leave a block of time open at the end of the day for the Shame Ritual: that special time where I alternate between yelling at the kids to brush their teeth and chastising myself for whatever I failed to get done.

But finally it came: a quiet hour to write, which actually was only fifteen minutes by then. Well really five, because I spent an extra ten trying to find clean socks for my son. And then I sort of fell asleep.

But there’s always tomorrow, I say. Which is today.

Now if I could just remember that goddamn idea.


  1. Ben

    you got it. i will never understand “writers block”. the enemy is absence of time!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Seems I either have time and no ideas or ideas and no time. arg.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. The way things are going, I won’t be surprised to read about a goose getting into your house and shitting on you while you’e write the idea down.

    I’ll burn a candle for you, dear.

    And I’m not even Catholic.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Heaven forbid geese in my house. The rugrats are bad enough.


  3. Argh! That is so frustrating. It happens to me when I’m driving. Now I actually pull over to the curb and scribble down my idea. I also keep a pad of paper by my bed. Sometimes just penning a few words or one sentence is enough to jog the memory. Good luck recapturing your idea.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks. That is an excellent habit. Seems like the shower and the car are when the ideas tend to come.


  4. gene3067

    It’ll come back to you. We’ll force it back to you with our thoughts. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I suppose if it were really great I’d have remembered. At least that’s what I’ll tell myself until it comes to me.

      Liked by 1 person

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